1. Buy it!
HJ Whitley would be honored if you chose to buy “The Father of Hollywood” for yourself and for any of your friends or colleagues. It is available at your local bookstore or by going to our website: www.TheFatherofHollywood.com or Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1616634758?ie=UTF8&tag=thefatherofho-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=1616634758
2. Email
Email everyone! As HJ Whitley taught us word-of-mouth is one of the best recommendations anyone can receive. It would be great if you could email your friends and tell them about "The Father of Hollywood" and where they can purchase it.
Need help? Here's is a suggested email you can send: "My good friend, Gaelyn Whitley Keith, the great-granddaughter of H J Whitley, has just written a book that's soon to become a best seller. It's entitled "The Father of
3. Facebook
Facebook is a wonderful place to tell friends about friends! Anything you are able to post on your own Facebook page about the book, either your thoughts about the book or about HJ Whitley, would be greatly appreciated! Please join our Facebook fan page! http://www.facebook.com/pages/www.thefatherofhollywood.com/56376692545 and share it with your friends! IMPORTANT: Sharing our Facebook fan page with your friends and encouraging them to also become a fan can be one of the best ways to spread the word for "The Father of Hollywood" to become a best seller!!
4. Tweet
One way to make things go viral is to tweet about the book because Twitter is able to reach a large number of people. Some tweet topics include 'you are buying a book', 'giving the book as a gift', 'passing it out to co-workers and employees', attach a picture of where you're reading it, shout-out your favorite chapter or re-tweet someone else's comments. The key is to keep the conversation going with the Twitteratti!!
Another Tweet idea is to add hash tags so that other people can follow and help the news propagate. Use any of these popular hash tags: #biz, #social, # entrepreneur, #success, and #TheFatherofHollywood.
A sample tweet could be: I just read "The Father of Hollywood" from and you should too!! Order it from Amazon!
5. Meet up/Tweet up:
Another idea is to hold a gathering of friends, co-workers or customers and have Gaelyn stop by while on her book tour and meet/greet everyone, talk a few minutes about the book and have a book signing. If interested, please contact us at info@thefatherofhollywood.com to find out when she might be visiting your city.
6. Webinar
A great way to utilize Gaelyn Whitley Keith’s excellent speaking skills is to invite her to do a Webinar you may be hosting or by suggesting her to someone you may know who is utilizing this online medium. Think about using Gaelyn and the topics around "The Father of Hollywood" as the subject matter for your Webinar discussion. Contact Randy via info@TheFatherofHollywood.com to schedule your Webinar soon.
7. Media
Interviews! Interviews! Interviews!! TV, radio, newspaper, magazine, newsletters, blogs, online or offline media!! If you have any contacts to any online, offline, print or broadcast media where Gaelyn could be interviewed about the book, please contact Randy via info@TheFatherofHollywood.com
8. Blog
Do you have a blog or know someone who does? If so, consider an interview with Gaelyn or write about your own personal feelings about HJ Whitley. You may also want to blog about your favorite topics from the book. If your blog is a business one, and you would like to do some kind of promotion or give-away with the book, please contact us about your ideas.
9. Pictures
Pictures say a thousand words - so take a picture of yourself in an interesting place holding the book and post it on www.TheFatherofHollywood.com , or HJ Whitley Facebook fan page http://www.facebook.com/pages/www.thefatherofhollywood.com/56376692545, your own blog or tweet one. Our Facebook fan page has a contest going for people sending pics of themselves reading the book all over the world. So far we have pics of people reading on the beach, in a park, and of course
10+. Word of Mouth
No rocket science here - tell co-workers, friends, family, and people on the street: "Have you read the new blockbuster by Gaelyn Whitley called "The Father of Hollywood" ??" Extra points given to people who wear sandwich-boards while walking the streets handing out "The Father of Hollywood" flyers
11. Book Signing
If you would like to help organize a book signing, please contact us at info@theFatherofHollywood.com so we can schedule one in a city near you! Our team will work closely with a local independent, Barnes & Noble or Borders book stores.
12. Write a review
Go to www.amazon.com or www.barnesandnoble.com and write your own takeaways and thoughts as a result of reading "The Father of Hollywood." Some already have and we would welcome your recommendation too!
Thanks in advance for your help to making the "The Father of Hollywood" a best seller!!!
13. Nominate HJ Whitley to the California Hall of Fame.
The California Hall of Fame provides inspiration for future generations. HJ Whitley is someone whose achievements should be recognized. Nominate him today. Go to http://www.californiamuseum.org/exhibits/halloffame/nomination-form and nominate HJ Whitley into the California Hall of Fame.
13. 100STARS * 100YEARS
Stars are ready for your votes! Go to www.TheFatherofHollywood.com. You've watched hours of movies spanning the decades and now we're giving you a chance to nominate your two favorite stars of the century. Cast your vote by
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